Maps & GIS Data
MAPS and GIS Data Files
You are free to view, download, copy, print or redistribute any files on this page. Wall maps are in .pdf format and can be downloaded and saved to a computer or tablet, or can be printed to a large format printer.
We do not produce or sell mapbooks.
Files are in the public domain and contain no information considered confidential under state or federal law.
This data is to be used for a graphical representation only. As GIS data is constantly being changed and improved, the accuracy of currently available maps is not guaranteed. DETCOG , its staff, and its member governments assume no liability for the accuracy of of GIS data.
Wall Maps
Interactive DETCOG Region Map
Click HERE for information on wall maps and other printed GIS material for the following Counties: Angelina, Houston, Nacogdoches, Polk, Sabine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity and Tyler.
For information on wall maps and other printed GIS material for Jasper County, contact South East Texas Regional Planning Commission (SETRPC).
The DETCOG 911 ENS Program is continually developing a regional geographic information system (GIS) using the latest mapping technologies.
The DETCOG GIS data consists of high-quality digital geographic map files for the entire Deep East Texas Region. Data is available to the public domain unless the data is considered confidential under state or federal law.
Digital GIS data is available for each county in the DETCOG region.
For additional information contact:
Deep East Texas Council of Governments
1405 Kurth Drive
Lufkin, TX 75904
Phone: (936) 634-2247