Transportation Planning
DETCOG proudly supports the Deep East Texas Rural Transportation Planning Organization by providing essential administrative services, helping to shape the future of transportation in our region.
Deep East Texas RTPO
DETCOG provides vital administrative support for
the Deep East Texas Rural Transportation Planning
Organization (RTPO), working hand in hand with
the Texas Department of Transportation District
Offices in Lufkin and Beaumont to set priorities
for highway projects that drive progress across
our region.
Regional Transit Plan
DETCOG leads the development of our region's 5-year
Transit Plan, which integrates data from current transit
providers, employers, and census information. This plan
prioritizes the needs of elderly residents, individuals with
disabilities, and veterans, ensuring that our goals reflect the
needs of our community.
Active Transportation Grants
Electric Vehicle Charging Program
The Community Funded Infrastructure (CFI) grant program, with a focus on Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers, offers significant funding to enhance transportation networks and improve safety. This program supports planning, engineering, and constructing EV charging infrastructure to boost accessibility, attract businesses, and promote economic growth.
Key considerations for the CFI grant program:
Funding: 80% grant-funded, 20% local match required.
Deadline: Applications due by August 28, 2024.
Award Announcement: Winners announced by October 31, 2024.
Eligible Applicants: Tribal entities, state and local governments, transportation authorities, non-profits.​
For more information, visit the FHWA Presentation.
Transportation Organizations