The Public Safety Program's goal is to be a real-time resource, providing assistance and support to Governmental Entities and First Responders in formulating a regional strategy necessary to access funding to address any disaster whether natural or man-made.
DETCOG Public Safety Programs
Since combining the programs in 2019, the Public Safety Program has continued to streamline the program to more efficiently serve the region by being completely transparent and seeking consensus among our stakeholders. It is a difficult task at times, but we feel that we have gained the trust of our stakeholders and created a better working relationship with the Governor’s Public Safety Office.
As an ongoing part of securing our nation from threats of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, The State of Texas has developed plans and strategies to enhance Homeland Security statewide against threats of terrorism, but also includes preparedness for any disaster whether man-made or naturally occurring. First Responders are always the first on the scene to assist victims of any disaster. Protecting and preparing these First Responders, then, is a top priority. Public Safety Programs identifies the greatest needs and finds solutions, which make our communities a safer place to live.
DETCOG Criminal Justice & Homeland Security / Emergency Preparedness
The Public Safety Program along with the CJAC (Criminal Justice Advisory Committee) assists community leaders in developing local and regional plans that identify strengths and gaps in services and funding. Assess the needs of the region as related to juvenile justice, law enforcement, victim services, courts and prosecution, as well as prioritizing the identified needs.
​The Public Safety Program manages a grant which provides ongoing, up-to-date, necessary, required and specialized training not always easily-obtained in this region, free of charge to our Law Enforcement Agencies.
The Public Safety Program also manages a grant for Regional Juvenile Alternatives which provides reimbursement to local juvenile probation departments for essential services that include psychological evaluations, counseling services, life skills classes and drug and alcohol awareness for at-risk juvenile offenders as an alternative to incarceration.
​The Public Safety Program provides assistance jurisdictions in formulating a regional strategy necessary to attain funding to address any disaster. With the assistance of the HSAC (Homeland Security Advisory Committee) the focus of this program is to assist city and county governments in identifying the strengths / gaps and developing basic emergency plans and / or upgrading existing emergency plans to better respond to emergency situations and protect citizens.
Establish effective, mutually beneficial communication among emergency personnel in the DETCOG Region.
To be a resource during times of disaster or emergency for the region and to assist in response & recovery to our First Responders & Emergency Management Personnel.
Ensure that all entities are advised of possible funding opportunities and assist in applying for funding that will assist them in the coordinated plan of response to any disaster or terrorist event.
Provide jurisdictions in the DETCOG region with technical assistance necessary to meet their Emergency Preparedness & Criminal Justice needs.
Identify areas of strength, weaknesses and possible threats to the region when dealing with disasters and terrorism and to assist jurisdictions in the development of Emergency Management Plans.
Provide support for Criminal Justice Entities & Non-Profit Organizations who work with Crime Victims or the intervention/rehabilitation of Juvenile Offenders.
Public Safety Planner
Mark Cunningham
Office: 936-634-2247 Ext. 5273
Cell: 936-240-1141
LET Grant Manager
Candy Marcotte
Office: 936-634-2247 Ext. 5336
Cell: 936-238-6092
Public Awareness & Advisories
The Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) at DHS CISA has recently released new Bomb-Making Materials Awareness Program (BMAP) videos on their YouTube channel. One of the videos is posted below:
Please remember to be alert and report suspicious activity to local Law Enforcement, even after the fact. Hindsight is always 20/20.