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DETCOG Regional

Solid Waste Program

Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG) conducts a Regional Solid Waste Program
under contract from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The program is
operated by DETCOG Staff under the guidance of the Regional Solid Waste Advisory

Committee and the DETCOG Board of Directors.

Environmental Cleanup & Protection


DETCOG administers a Regional Solid Waste Grant Program which is funded by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This program has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into local projects for environmental cleanup, recycling, and community beautification. From 2010 through 2023 the program has provided more than $1 Million to fund local projects. In the latest completed funding cycle, grants were awarded for recycling,
illegal dumping cleanup, household hazardous waste management and local litter/dumping enforcement.

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DETCOG Regional Solid Waste Plan


As required under the TCEQ Contract, DETCOG is responsible for preparing and maintaining a
20-Year Regional Solid Waste Plan. The current plan was accepted by TCEQ in 2

DETCOG Regional Closed Landfill Inventory


Deep East Texas Council of Governments maintains a “Closed Landfill Inventory” for its
Region. The information in these documents can be accessed by contacting Carolyn Stephenson
by phone at: (936) 634-2247 ext. 5353 or by email at:

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Publications


The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) maintains an online library of
publications, some able to be downloaded, related to their programs and environmental issues.
These publications can be accessed by contacting Carolyn Stephenson by phone at: (936) 634-

2247 ext. 5353 or by email at:

Where the money comes from...

​The Regional Solid Waste Grants Program is funded by revenues collected through municipal solid waste fees, or “tipping fees,” paid at landfills and appropriated by the legislature during each regularly scheduled session.


Statutorily, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) receives a portion of these funds, and a portion is allocated to the COGs for local and regional projects.  Our allocation is based on a formula that considers population, area, solid waste fee generation, and public health needs

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