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DETCOG's Programs and Services

As a Council of Government (COG) DETCOG has many services to offer that all fall under certain programs we manage. These programs range from waste initiatives to youth services. We have many program that are for the benefit of various sectors and demographics of the regions community. Each program has a staff of people who work hard for the community, feel free to browse these programs as they may be there to benefit you. 

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2-1-1 Texas

Provides information and referral assistance to all persons seeking access to local programs and services.

Disaster Recovery

DETCOG works with the Texas General Land Office (GLO) and local cities & counties 

to rebuild & repair damages  following natural disasters.

Regional Housing Authority

The DETCOG Regional Housing Authority improves access to quality housing for everyone and encourages self-sufficiency for low-income families.

Solid Waste Grants

Invests hundreds of thousands of dollars into local projects for environmental cleanup, recycling and community beautification.

Law Enforcement Training

DETCOG’s Public Safety Programs utilize Criminal Justice Grant Funding to provide free Law
Enforcement Training to the Law Enforcement Communities in the Deep East Texas Region.

Area Agency on Agency

(AAA) provides services and funding to enable older citizens to live dignified, independent and productive lives.

Economic Development

 As an Economic Development District, DETCOG works to identify and assist with job creation opportunities in our region.

Regional 9-1-1 Network

DETCOG is the administrative authority for 9-1-1 emergency communications in State Planning Region 14.

Transportation Planning

Provides administrative support for the Deep East Texas Rural Transportation Planning Organization


DETCOG continues to make progress toward the goal of ensuring every household in Deep East Texas has access to affordable, reliable broadband. 

CDBG Support

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) provides communities with resources to address development needs.

Public Safety

Provides assistance and support to governmental entities and First Responders in formulating a regional strategy to access funding for any disaster. 


RSVP, is one of the largest volunteer networks in the nation for people 55 and over. You can use the skills and talents you’ve learned over the years, or develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer activities within your community.

Youth Services

Provides counseling, crisis intervention, parent education and many other services.
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